U.S. to deploy troops and military equipment in Denmark

The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and Danish Foreign Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, have signed an agreement on defense cooperation. The agreement allows for the placement of American troops and equipment on the territory of the Scandinavian country, reports Nordjyske.

“Since World War II, the participation of Americans in Europe has ensured our security, and the preservation and expansion of this is positive,” said Rasmussen.

The head of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that under the agreement, the Americans have the opportunity to establish certain capabilities in Denmark, which, in case of a worsening situation, will reduce response time and send a deterrent signal to those who threaten security.

It is noted that the defense agreement includes the placement of U.S. military at airports in Karup, Skrydstrup, and Aalborg. According to the publication, there are no specific figures on how many soldiers will be sent to the Scandinavian country yet.

Presence of U.S. military in Europe

U.S. forces have been deployed in Europe since 2014 under the Atlantic Resolve program, aimed at working with allies and partners in the region.

Previously, there were over 100,000 U.S. military personnel in Europe, but the number increased following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year.

At the NATO summit in Vilnius on July 11-12, detailed defense plans were approved to ensure that the Alliance can deter its adversaries and defend its entire territory.

Recently, Finland also signed a defense cooperation agreement with the United States, providing U.S. military with broad access to the territory of the European country along its long border with Russia.

Source: RBC Ukraine